Friday, January 26, 2007



You have left such nice comments on my Blog, but I cannot find your Blog to read. Please leave your Blog name for me to visit. I would love to read about the history of DMC threads, and yes, I will have a cup of coffee ready to enjoy while I read


Renee said...

Thank you very much dear Barbara for caring so much to find me on the wide WEB! It's very moving. I found your e mail too. So you know where I'm nested now! I'm very glad to be in touch with you at last§ I'm sure that we'll have long friendly and fruitful sharing in the future. I wish you a very good week end.

Renee said...

Your blog is silent! It's funny to read my name every time I open it... I do hope that your silence is not due to bad weather again, but rather to intensive home crafting! Friendly from France.