Oh me, oh my, we have snow, and more snow, and it has snowed all day. It was snowing at 6 a.m. when I got out of bed and it is now 7.30 p.m. and it is still snowing. We have about 7 inches of the white stuff. There was no school, the Senior Center was closed, the library was closed, but we got mail, and I received my order from DSL and the brown truck brought my order from SnT, so my day was wonderful. The temp did not get above 25 all day. Wayne did walk down our lane to the mail box and collected the newspapers late this afternoon. The dogs have been in and out all day, and it has been fun to watch them play in the snow and chase each other. We've also had to fill the bird feeder twice today, and it is a large feeder.
Okay, yesterday I sat in front of that sewing machine, and today I stitched the openings where I stuffed the pillows and here are the finished items.
This first design is by Carol of istitch. It is Carol's Sew in Love.
This design is by Jenny Hoffman of Country Rustic Primitives. It is called Valentine Cupboard Keep.
And this design is by Tanya Anderson, The Sampler Girl. It is Tanya's Primitive Valentine Cupboard Sampler.
You can click on any of the designs for a larger view.
Each of these designs were easy stitching and I enjoyed stitching them and even putting a finish on them. They will certainly add some warm Valentine charm to our home during February.
I hope each of you have a Wonderful weekend, and put many stitches in your fabric.
Until next time,